

To leave completely and finally. Forsake utterly. To desert - to go away from a person, thing or place not intending to return. Withdraw support or help from one.


No remedy is mentioned in this rubric. The right rubric is ‘ abandoned feels’ as mentioned in Knerr’s Repertory, and hence the cross reference ‘Forsaken feeling’ has some meaning. China-b is the remedy mentioned in Knerr’s repertory.

Cross reference:

Forsaken feeling. Forsaken feeling, isolation sensation of.


Sudden and unexpected Especially of speech, talking very little and often rude or seeming rude, curt. Not flowing smoothly or evenly, disjointed Disconnected steps


It is behaviour where a person suddenly takes unexpected step, which surprises other. E.g. there are few people sitting in a meeting, and one of them suddenly stands and walks out of the room. Others are surprised by his behaviour. T

Cross reference:

Answers, abruptly, shortly, curtly Harshness Impolite Irritability, questioned when Talk, indisposed to Talk, abrupt Rashness Impulsive Heedless

3Absent Minded

So lost in thought that one doesn’t realize what one is doing, what is happening etc. Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings.


Unintentional wandering of mind which makes person unaware of what is happening in his surroundings. To understand this, remember the story of ‘absent minded professor’ the professor kept his spectacle on hi

Cross reference:

Abstraction of mind: Absorbed in thoughts: Forgetful Memory weakness: Concentration, difficult Dullness Staring; thoughtless Unobserving

4Absorbed Buried in Thought

To engross or engage wholly with one’s attentions fully held. Intently interested Deeply engrossed, preoccupied Absorbed in thoughts


A person is completely engrossed in his thoughts. This rubric is very useful in those children, who are completely absorbed in television, and do not react to calls from parents. They are so engrossed in television that you have to lite

Cross reference:


5Abusive, Insulting

Treating badly or injuriously, mistreating Characterized by harshly or coarsely insulting language.


Cursing: Scolding Quarrelsome Insolent Rudeness Reproaches; others Slander, disposition to


State of being active Quality of acting promptly, energy


Indicates a state of activity which could be mental and physical.


Keen, sharp or penetrating in intellect, insight or perception Extremely great or severe, crucial.

Cross reference:

Memory; active


Council, advice or caution by authority

Cross reference:

Ailments from; admonition When such people are told to remain careful about a likely mistaken which they can make, they tend to react emotionally. Also people having a dispositional sensitivity towards admonition are usually careful to do exactly


An action or a type of behaviour, manner of speaking etc. which is not natural but is intended to impress others. A deliberate display of something that is not truly felt, Pretense


Speaking or acting unnaturally, artificially in an effort to attract attention. It is a struggle to express qualities, which are not actually possessed by the person; pretense; artificial manner. Affectation is again a deduced rubric, which the physi

Cross reference:



Showing, indicating or characterized by love - tender. Having great love, warmly attached.


Being “Affectionate” is a behavioural pattern. When this behaviour is exaggerated, intense and overt it is of value for us, but the demonstration of affection between closely related people is considered normal. Hence one will have to weigh the inten

Cross reference:

Embraces; companions Kisses; everyone Mildness Sympathetic


State / feeling of anxiety or excitement.

Cross reference:

Excitement It means being shaken up & disturbed emotional

12Air Castles

Plans or hopes that are unlikely to be fulfilled Fanciful or impractical scheme; daydream Wishful thinking

Cross reference:



Desire for work and activity, energy. Strong desire to achieve something


An earnest desire for some type of achievement or power, fame, wealth etc. And the willingness to drive for its attainment. It is important here to examine the intensity of the drive behind the desire to achieve. This can be judged

Cross reference:

Indolence (this is opposite of ambition. Please correct such mistakes. It has to be deleted.)

14A/F Ambitions Loss of / Ambitions Deceived

It indicates a state of ill health produced when the person fails to achieve or perceive his ambitions.


Openly showing or feeling love relating to sexual love.

Cross reference:

Lascivious Lewd Amativeness Dreams; amorous Libertinism Nymphomania

16Amusement aversion to

Amusement is things that make time pass pleasantly. Something entertaining. Amusement is a state or experience of finding something pleasant or funny causing happiness.


This is a “negative symptom”- which means it will require our eye to be trained to watch for something that is not present- the absence must strike us! Usually we are all taught to pick up things that are present and are peculiar, which is a comparat

Cross reference:

Going out; aversion Indifference; pleasure Play; aversion to Serious

17Amusement desire for

Strong wish to have entertainment.

Cross reference:

Cheerfulness Excitement High- spirited Jesting Laughing Mirth Play; desire Pleasure Smiling

18Anger Irascibility

Showing or resulting from quick temper and fit; anger. Easily angered; quick tempered.

Cross reference:

Irritability Rage Hatred Indignation Quarrelsomeness Violent Wildness


Severe distress/ mental sufferings. Excruciating / acute pain, suffering, / distress.


This rubric is once again to be observed, here at the end of the case one feels that the person is intensely suffering and is in pain from the overall narration. Here we must have a very broad view to perceive and use this rubric.

Cross reference:

Anxiety Fear; panic attacks Restlessness

20Answers Abruptly, Shortly, Curtly

Answers sudden, quick, rapid, instantaneous, surprising, unexpected snappish.

Cross reference:

Abrupt Talk, abrupt

21Antagonism with Herself

Feeling of hostility or opposition with herself.

Cross reference:

Contemptuous self Confusion; identity Delusions; divided Irresolution Thoughts; two trains of Will; contradiction of


Realization in advance, fore test Expectation or hope, intuition, fore knowledge. To think with pleasure and excitement about something. To look forward to.

Cross reference:

Anxiety; anticipating Anxiety; future, about Grief, future, for? Timidity; appearing in public

23Antics Plays

Plays strange or silly behavior which is intended to cause amusement but with time causes disapproval.

Cross reference:

Childish behavior Foolish behavior Gesture; ridiculous Gesture; strange


Distress or uneasiness of mind caused by apprehension of danger or misfortune. Solicitous desire, eagerness. A strong feeling of fear or distress. (once) Uneasiness, worried about what may happen concerning a possible future even.

Cross reference:

Ailments from; anxiety Anguish Brooding Cares; full of Fear Frightened Thoughts; tormenting


Absence /suppression of passion, emotions or excitement. Lack of interest in or concern for things which others find moving Lack of enthusiasm / emotions.

Cross reference:



Impairment or loss of faculty of using or understanding spoken or written language.

Cross reference:

Memory; weakness; say, for what he is about to


Anticipating dread or fear of coming evil. Anxiety that something unpleasant will happen in future.

Cross reference:

Anticipation Anxiety; anticipating an engagement Anxiety; future Anxiety; time is set Death; presentiment of Excitement; anticipating events Fear; happen Restlessness Time; passes too slowly


Having expressive of or characterized by intense feelings, emotions or devotion, passionate. Very enthusiastic or passionate for something, eager The antonym of Ardent is half-hearted.

Cross reference:

Affectionate Enthusiasm Passionate


Behaving in a proud and superior manner, showing too much pride in oneself and too little consideration of others. Having or showing too high an opinion of one’s own abilities or importance.

Cross reference:


30Ask for Nothing

Not making any demands.


This is behaviour of the patient that one will have to more often than not observe and make a conclusion. Sometimes the relative’s description about his behaviour will help us understand this. As we can see the rubric points out that there is n

Cross reference:

Desires, nothing Indifference Quiet Reserved


Act or faculty of attending especially by directing a mind to an object. Concentration of mind on a single object or thought. Special care and consideration. Notice, awareness

Cross reference:


32Attitude Assumes Strange

Manner, disposition, feeling, position etc. with regards to a person or thing are strange Postures unusual

Cross reference:

Gestures; strange attitudes and positions


Boldness or daring esp. with confident or arrogant disregard For personal safety. Showing a lack of respect- impudent. Showing or willingness to take risk

Cross reference:

Courageous Temerity High spirited Fearlessness Impertinence Insolent Rashness


Having the power of self-motion, self-moving, of self-acting occurring spontaneously, unconsciously or from force of habit Occurring or happening naturally. Involuntary

Cross reference:

Gestures; automatic Unconscious; conduct automatic


Extreme desire for wealth (large amount of money or property) or gain. Insatiable greed for riches, inordinate, miserly, desire to gain and hoard wealth.

Cross reference:

Greed Anxiety; business Desires; more than she needs Envy Fear, poverty of Selfish Ungrateful





Cross reference:


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